How to Spot Common Types of Diaper Rash

How to Spot Common Types of Diaper Rash

Diaper rash is a form of irritated skin that appears as a patch of red skin on your baby’s bottom. The most common cause of diaper rash is wet or not infrequently changed diapers, chafing, and sensitive skin. A diaper rash is very normal, and it is something that home remedies can quickly get rid of. The few causes of diaper rash are;


Chaffing is caused by tight clothes or diapers that rub against the baby’s skin. This then irritates the skin, creating a rash.

Irritation from Stool

The longer a baby stays with a dirty diaper, the more likely they are to get a rash. The rash might worsen if the baby has diarrhea or urinates a lot.

Irritation from a New Product

Baby products are not usually soft or mild, and your baby might end up reacting to the product. Wipes, fabric softeners or detergent, new diapers, or baby oil can irritate the baby’s skin.

Yeast Infection

Yeast infection is usually as a result of a simple skin rash that spreads to the surrounding regions. The area around the diaper is warm and moist, a perfect condition for bacteria to breed and multiply. These rashes are mostly found in the creases of the skin.

Sensitive Skin

Babies have skin conditions like eczema or atopic dermatitis, which are more likely to lead to development diaper rash.

Just as there are different causes of diaper rash, there are different types of rashes.

Irritant Dermatitis

Irritants, urine, and faeces cause this rash. It is red and shiny, and the area feels a little warmer. Irritant dermatitis focuses on the thighs, genitals, buttocks, and stomach. It might spread to the waistline, but it cannot be found on the creases of the skin.

This rash might also increase when the baby starts eating solid food, causing acidic poop. Solid food can be harder to digest than liquid food. So their poop might be a little acidic, and this can cause rashes.

Candida Dermatitis

More referred to as yeast, this rash has a deep red colour. They look like patches inside the diaper area, can be found in the creases of the thighs, and sometimes outside the diaper area.

Baby girls may have a white or yellow discharge from the vagina, which comes with itching. Baby boys may get redness or scaling on the genitals, and peeing might be painful.

With candida dermatitis, your baby might get thrush, a yeast infection in the mouth. Antibiotics can also worsen this rash if the baby is taking any. Breastfeeding moms can also pass yeast infections to the child.


The difference between eczema and other rashes is that eczema becomes purple and crusty. If not treated, it might cause blisters. Eczema is dry and itchy, and it occasionally causes diaper rash, but it is more common on other body parts.

Bacterial Dermatitis

If the baby has a skin infection, it might quickly spread to other areas. The most common causes are Streptococcus and Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. With strep, the rash is bright red and is concentrated on the anus. It can spread to the genitals, and you might even notice blood in the baby’s stool.

Staph causes pus-filled bumps with a red base. This blisters rupture and leave behind scales. Bacterial infections can get dangerous if not treated. The child might develop other symptoms like bleeding, weeping, fever, and lethargy.

Heat rash

This rash is made of tiny bumps and happens when the skin is hot and cannot breathe. You can see it in the creases when the baby sweats. The sweat blocks the pores and ends up creating bumps.

Prevention is better than cure. To prevent the rash from happening, there are a few things you can do, including some tips below.

Change the Diapers Often

Make sure you change the diapers immediately the baby poops or pees to prevent them from getting burned. If you take your baby to daycare, make sure the staff knows about it.

Rinse the Baby during Diaper Change

Changing the diaper might not be good enough if you leave a residue of poop. During a diaper change, clean the baby with warm water or wipes, especially in the creases.

Let the Baby Air Dry

Let the baby get some air, especially if you are indoors. Air drying will prevent bacteria from growing and also help the baby heal if they had been infected already.

The good news is that there are remedies for all of these infections, including some discussed below.

Most of the time, you can treat rashes with diaper rash creams and ointments. Irritant dermatitis needs creams containing zinc oxide or petroleum-based ointments that protect the skin and still heal it.

All the creams are different. If the baby has candida dermatitis, get an antifungal ointment for yeast infection. Oral antifungal medicines are also necessary if the condition is getting serious.

In conditions where the baby has eczema, the doctor might prescribe bleach baths or medicated ointments. You also need to use fragrance-free products and ensuring the skin breaths enough. Ointments can make heat rash worse because it clogs the pores. Try cooling the area and maintaining excellent airflow.

Washing Cloth Diapers

If you are the type of person who uses cloth diapers, carefully clean them to prevent irritation. You first pre-soak the diapers in cold water and then wash the diapers in hot water with mild detergent and bleach. Double rinse the diapers in cold water to remove any chemicals left. A fabric softener might irritate the baby’s skin; you might want to skip it.

In the olden days, people used to use baby powder. The doctors no longer recommend this because powder can be suffocating on the skin. Plus, when the baby breathes in this powder, they might end up with allergies.

Your friends might tell you that they prefer cloth to disposable diapers. There is no evidence of which is better. The most important thing is finding what your child is most comfortable in. As a parent, you should also be informed of what to do when these things happen.


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